Carbon prices have plunged in both Europe and the US recently as the fragile global economy takes its toll. However, interest in green markets remains relatively unscathed, with voluntary emissions and biomass markets ones to watch in 2012, writes Pauline McCallion.

With aviation falling under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme next year, European airlines are already hedging their exposure in the carbon markets. Vanya Dragomanovich looks at the potential impact on the emissions markets.

Carbon prices under the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme have dropped dramatically this year and are widely expected to remain low for some time. Jay Maroo looks at the implications of this for the market as it approaches its third phase in 2013.

Remit, the EU's new energy trading regulation, sprung from political concerns about market abuse. The provisions will massively increase reporting requirements for energy producers. But do they go too far, and is the body charged with collecting market data adequately resourced? Ellen Davis investigates the implications for energy and commodity players.

The traditional contango of the UK natural gas curve has smoothed out in recent weeks, with summer seasons now at parity and the winters either on a par or even dipping into backwardation. Tom Wooley investigates the trend and its likely impact on consumers.