Judgment of the Supreme Court in the matter of Tapas Guha & Others Vs Union of India & Others dated 06/05/2024.

The Ministry of Civil Aviation of the Union Government decided to build a commercial Airport at Silchar in Assam since the existing defence airport is not suitable for domestic civilian operations. Three tea estates, namely, (i) Doloo; (ii) Khoreel; and (iii) Silcoorie were identified by the Government of Assam for the sites of the airport.

Judgment of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Society for protection of Culture Heritage Environment Traditions and Promotion of National Awareness Vs Union of India & Others dated 21/03/2024. The matter related to noise pollution at airports.

This consultant study introduces a partial equilibrium model to project the mix of renewable fuels most likely to be used to comply with the Commission’s set of proposed targets for the road and aviation sectors.

With international travel increasing post COVID-19 and the world looking to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, the aviation sector needs to make reductions in its carbon emissions.

The World Economic Forum’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow (CST) initiative has brought together an Indian community of private and public institutions with a shared vision of scaling production and use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

European Union (EU) policymakers are developing a mandate that would require jet fuel providers to blend an increasing share of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) into their fuel supply at EU airports starting in 2025.

Despite years of sustained interest in sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs), the industry has been slow to expand in the face of strong economic barriers to deployment.

This study assesses the feasibility of the European Commission's proposed Climate Target Plan targets for renewable energy in fuels in 2030, focusing specifically on the suggested 24% for renewable energy in transport.

This report provides the first bottom-up, detailed fuel consumption inventory for all commercial flights to, from, and between U.S. airports using our Global Aviation Carbon Assessment (GACA) model. The analysis finds that overall fuel burn and, therefore, carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from U.S. airlines increased by 7% from 2005 to 2019.

Traveling by plane, train or automobile: the most environmentally sound choice may not always be clear. The latest annual Transport and Environment Report 2020 (TERM) addresses the issue assessing the value of travel by train and plane, amid efforts to put in place the European Union’s green deal.
