Alternative jet fuels (AJFs) are among the few available in-sector approaches to reduce aviation sector emissions. Although the aviation sector has not played a prominent role in fuels policy to date, policymakers are increasingly incorporating aviation fuels into long-term strategies as the road sector is electrified.

The airline industry made a strong plea in parliament on Tuesday to be exempted from the proposed carbon tax saying it will undermine its competitiveness.

The Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India is committed to inclusive and sustainable growth of the civil aviation sector in the country while mitigating its negative impacts on environment at the same time. This White Paper sets out a strategic framework to address the major environmental challenges of the aviation industry.

This paper estimates the environmental impacts of reintroducing commercial supersonic transport (SST) aircraft into the global aviation fleet. Model the landing and takeoff (LTO) noise, sonic boom, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from a new, unconstrained SST network of 2,000 in 2035.

Improving technology, more efficient operations, better airports and market-based measures have not been enough to mitigate the aviation sector’s growing impacts on the environment, climate and people's health.

Aviation is widely seen as the transport sector that is most difficult to decarbonize. One option to dramatically reduce emissions within the aviation sector is through the use of low-carbon alternative fuels.

Airlines are failing to take up the most efficient planes in sufficient numbers to make a significant dent in their carbon dioxide emissions, a new study has found.

PANJIM: Making a pitch for compulsory ‘Green Building’ Concept for government, commercial and hotel projects with built up area of 2000 sq mtrs and above, the Town and Country Planning (TCP) Minist

Expert appraisal panel lays down 30 conditions for project implementation

Dehradun: Turmeric is known for its bright yellow colour.
