The European Commission recently released a number of policy proposals in its “Fit for 55” package, aimed at achieving the European Union’s goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% in 2030 compared to 1990 levels. This policy update focuses on the elements of this package related to the promotion of alternative fuels.

This briefing provides policy recommendations to assist European Council and Parliament as they negotiate the final legislation for the Fit for 55 package. The recommendations follow the findings in a previous ICCT paper regarding how changes to the policy proposals can achieve greater greenhouse gas (GHG) savings at a lower cost.

The ICCT has conducted a wide-ranging new life-cycle assessment (LCA) of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from a variety of passenger car powertrains and fuels, and this briefing is an overview of the findings and the implications for policymakers seeking to substantially decarbonize road transport by 2050, in line with Paris Agreement objecti

The Government of India has supported the use of ethanol in transportation fuels for nearly 20 years. As imported ethanol is not allowed for fuel use, India must scale up its domestic ethanol production if it is to meet increasing blend targets amidst increasing demand for gasoline.

By 2030, the German government aims to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the buildings sector by two-thirds relative to 1990 levels. The heating sector will be an important part of this goal; in German residences, about 60% of final energy demand goes to space heating, and two-thirds of space heating is met with fossil fuels.

Although the majority of the on-road vehicle fleet in the United States is fueled by gasoline, diesel combustion makes up an overwhelming share of vehicle air pollution emissions. Air pollution emissions can be affected by blending biodiesel into diesel fuel.

Today, virtually all biodiesel in Indonesia is produced from palm oil. But as the government is seeking to increase biodiesel blending rates in the years ahead, this single feedstock might not be adequate to support those ambitions.

This study compares the cost of several low-greenhouse gas (GHG) or GHG-neutral residential heating technologies in the year 2050: (1) hydrogen boilers, (2) hydrogen fuel cells with an auxiliary hydrogen boiler for cold spells, (3) air-source heat pumps using renewable electricity, and (4) heat pumps with an auxiliary hydrogen boiler for cold sp

The European Union (EU) is considering ambitious alternative fuel policies to decarbonize aviation. However, it is critical that policymakers set realistic sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) deployment goals that match the amount of fuel that could be made from available feedstock.

This working paper provides background and analysis to help identify how an effective policy for alternative aviation fuels could distinguish among fuels that can deliver deep greenhouse (GHG) reductions and those that cannot.
