This paper presents the results of a systematic literature review of greenhouse gas emissions for different food categories from life cycle assessment (LCA) studies, to enable streamline calculations that could inform dietary choice. The motivation for completing the paper was the inadequate synthesis of food greenhouse gas emissions available in the public domain. The paper reviewed 369 published studies that provided 1718 global warming potential (GWP) values for 168 varieties of fresh produce.

Carbon footprint is broadly defined as carbon dioxide (CO2.) emissions normalized per unit mass of a product or per unit of an activity. It is considered as an important environmental indicator for comparing various products or activities. Fired solid clay brick is a popular walling material in India. Manufacturing of fired clay bricks involves combustion of fossil fuels during the firing process and during other unit operations and activities.

To assess water savings in households using efficient devices and to understand how savings vary between different socio-demographic groups in the community, high resolution end use water consumption data is required (i.e. disaggregating water use for showers, toilets, clothes washers and garden irrigation etc.). This paper reports selected findings from the Gold Coast Residential End Use Study (Australia), which focussed on the relationship between a range of socio-demographic and household stock efficiency variables and water end use consumption levels.

Reverse supply chains that characterize reuse and recycling remains the primary focus of large businesses in a globalized economy. This article critically examines the environmental and social benefits of reuse that would result through systematic interventions in the existing WEEE trade chain in India. There exists an increasing body of scientific evidence documenting the deleterious effects of informal recycling in India.