The present study endeavors to identify the groundwater contamination problems in Baddi-Barotiwala Industrial Belt of District Solan, Himachal Pradesh. The dense unplanned industrial establishments have negatively affected the groundwater quality in the study area. Groundwater samples from 44 different locations and sources were collected and subjected to standard analytical techniques for physico-chemical analysis.

The present study deals with physico-chemical analysis, treatment and utilization of Deoband sugar mill effluent. The effluent is treated with alkaline solution of hexacyanoferrate (III). 2007

The paper discusses some low cost and energy saving technologies for water and wastewater treatment.

A pot experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2003-2004, to study the effect of two concentrations of city waste water over ground water on the performance of Brassica juncea cv. Varuna. 2007

The 400 years old city of Hyderabad is an industrially developed city surrounded by many industrial estates which continually discharge large amounts of wastewaters into the nearby receiving water bodies. The present paper aims to study the impact of the pollution characteristics of such industrial discharges on their receiving water bodies. 2007

The present paper deals with the observation on physico-chemical characteristics of river Saryu that was found polluted by various sources of pollution. 2007

This paper deals with studies on the removal of fluoride by using bark of drumstick and its leaves. The above said adsorbents are effective defluoridating agents and therefore used in the diet through cooked leaves and its vegetables. 2007

This paper deals with a comparative study on the fluoride removal capacity of readily and cheaply available five kinds of materials-calcium, phosphate, magnesium and magnesium carbonate. Among these materials aluminium phosphate is the most efficient defluoridating agent. 2007

The Veli lake is the smallest among the backwaters of Kerala. The partially treated sewage and the completely untreated industrial effluents are the main sources that brought undesirable changes in the lake. For the present study three stations were fixed in the lake to test the physicochemical features (April 2000-March 2001). 2007

Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is recognized as one of the most serious environmental problem in the mining industry. The problem of acid mine drainage has been present since mining activity began thousands of years ago. Mining activity has disrupted the hydrology of mining areas so badly that it is extremely difficult to predict where water would eventually re-emerge.
