This study presents ethanol production from mahula flowers in submerged fermentation (SmF) using immobilized cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CTCRI strain) and Zymomonas mobilis (MTCC 92) in calcium alginate as beads. Maximum ethanol concentrations were 154.5 and 134.55 g kg-1 flowers using immobilized cells of S. cerevisiae and Z. mobilis, respectively. Immobilized cells of S.

Thumba (Citrullus colocyntis) seed oil can be used for production of biodiesel. A comparative experimental study, carried out on a four cylinder, direct injection, water cooled diesel engine operating on diesel and biodiesel blends (B10, B20 and B30) of C. colocyntis and Jatropha curcas, showed that like J. curcas, biodiesel of C.

This paper presents performance of single cylinder diesel engine using blends of karabi seed biodiesel. Potassium hydroxide was used as catalyst to facilitate estarification process. It has been observed that karabi seed biodiesel can effectively be used as diesel fuel substitute in existing diesel engine without any engine modification.

In this study, performance of gasifier engine system is analyzed by running 5kW engine at different load conditions to check maximum diesel savings in dual fuel mode operation. Cotton stalks replaces diesel by 80% while sugarcane bagasse replaces it by 82%. By using appropriate agricultural residue, gasifier system integrated with CI engine is economically better than diesel system alone.

Casuarina equisetifolia L. and Lantana camara L. leaf litter, sugarcane bagasse and empty oil palm fruit bunch (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) were converted into charcoal using carbonization process. An increase in temperature from 200

Various indigenous strains of Saccharomyces isolated from datepalm sap were evaluated for alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme activity, ethanol production and alcohol tolerance limits and compared with standard culture of S. cerevisiae. Alcoholic contents in juice samples fermented with different yeast strains varied considerably as determined by GLC.

Traditional stoves generate large quantities of smoke and suspended particulate matter while only 10-40% of released energy tranfers to pot. This research paper describes design steps with experiments carried out for charcoal stove named SEES to interlink energy efficiency and various design parameters.
