Removal of Cd(II), Pb(II), Hg(II), Mn(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) by chemically (Na2S) treated granular activated carbon (GAC)has been found to be concentration, pH, contact time, adsorbent dose and temperature dependent. Adsorption isotherm studiesindicated that adsorptive behaviour of metal ions on chemically treated GAC satisfies Langmuir assumptions.

Banana serves as an ideal and low cost food source for developing countries where most of the population rely mostly on
bananas for food. Banana plant parts are useful as insecticide, antioxidant, colour absorber, in preparation of various functional
foods, wine, alcohol, biogas, cattle feed etc. This review discusses usefulness of banana fruits, peel, leaves, pseudostem, sheath,

This study presents reusing of locally available waste fibrous materials as concrete composites. Mechanical strength properties (compressive strength, split tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture and shear strength) of synthetic fibres (nylon, plastic and tyre) with volume fractions (0.5%, 1% and 1.5%) and aspect ratios (30, 60 and 90) were evaluated.

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This review presents removal of three major anionic contaminants (arsenic, phosphate and fluoride) in water by adsorption/precipitation method using both synthetic and natural materials. A discussion is also made on interfering co-radicals (silicate, sulphate, nitrate, bicarbonate, chloride, etc.)

This paper describes comparative performance of properties of bituminous concrete mixes containing plastic/polymer (PP) (8% and 15% by wt of bitumen) with conventional bituminous concrete mix (prepared with 60/70 penetration grade bitumen).

An ecofriendly method, involving mild organic acids to hydrolyse delimed tannery fleshings (TF), has been developed. Combination of formic acid and propionic acid (1:1) was employed to obtain hydrolysates with higher degree of hydrolysis (DH). Better antioxidant properties were obtained by response surface method (RSM) using a factorial design.

This paper assessed ground water quality of Bhavnagar region for determining its suitability for drinking purposes. Ground water samples, collected from 12 different locations of Bhavnagar region for winter, summer and post monsoon seasons, revealed that pH of all samples was neutral to slight alkaline. Turbidity of all samples was within permissible limit.

This study presents bacteriocin, produced from Bacillus sp. MTCC 43 isolated from rhizosphere of root crop radish, Raphanus sativus, as inhibitor against serious food pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus and Aeromonas hydrophila). Bacteriocin of Bacillus sp. MTCC 43, partially purified by salt saturation method, exhibits very high activity (2.66 x 105 AU/ml).

This review provides applications of conventional and non-conventional adsorbents for removal of pesticides from waste-waters. The data presented are mainly based on laboratory studies and show potential advantages for treatment of pesticides bearing wastewater by various adsorbents.

This study presents degradation of textile azo dye by newly developed photo catalyst (methylene blue immobilized resin dowex-11; particle size, 20-50 mesh), which is a cheap and a very good alternative to traditional technologies for industrial application. Activity of catalyst remains unaffected on continuous use.
