New Delhi India Inc may have complained about the slow pace at which green clearances are awarded but the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) on Thursday questioned this claim. It said that on the contrary, the environment ministry gave out an unprecedented number of clearances in the last five years.

Coal India Ltd (CIL), which meets about 80% of the country

New Delhi A non-descript washery to clean coal of its ash content near Raigarh, the centre of the coal belt in Chattisgarh state has recently fenced itself around for reasons of security.

For the first time, medical experts have challenged the established view that the tuberculosis bacteria coughed up in sputum by infected individuals multiply rapidly.

For the first time, medical experts have challenged the established view that the tuberculosis bacteria coughed up in sputum by infected individuals multiply rapidly.

Scarcity usually drives up value, but not in the nuclear-bomb business.

Stepping up its attack against the Congress by holding it responsible for the prevailing agrarian distress in the country, the BJP on Wednesday launched a nationwide

Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's recent visit to India with a 100-strong industry team should be seen against the need to contextualise south-south cooperation amidst the fait accompl

For years, anti-poverty campaigners railed against low commodity prices, which depressed farmers' incomes in developing countries.

The government is expected to spend more than Rs 3 lakh crore during the 11th plan (2007-12) on a series of anti-poverty programmes, rural development minister Raghuvansh Prasad Singh on Tuesday said.
