To ensure that the aims of the Paris Agreement can be met, progress towards both individual goals (NDCs) and the global goals (e.g. the long-term temperature goal) needs to be tracked. The architecture for tracking progress under the Paris Agreement is a good start, but much work remains to be done to operationalise it.

The Climate Action Tracker’s assessment of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) submitted to the UNFCCC ahead of the October 1 deadline, which finds that, if these climate plans were to be fully implemented, they would bring the projected warming to 2.7°C – an improvement of 0.4˚C since the last assessment of pledges at the Lima t

The climate targets so far submitted to the UN by governments collectively lead to global emissions far above the levels needed to hold warming to below 2°C, the Climate Action Tracker (CAT) said.
