In a significant move towards fostering the integration of renewable energy sources into the power sector, the Arunachal Pradesh State Electricity Regulatory Commission (APSERC) has introduced the draft “Terms and Conditions for Green Energy Open Access (GEOA) and Methodology for Calculation of Charges Regulations, 2023.” The regulations are poi

The State Government of Arunachal Pradesh has accorded top priority to industrial growth as a means to mitigate poverty and unemployment.

An Act for the law relating to consolidation, management, sustainable use and conservation of forests in Arunachal Pradesh. This Act may be called the Arunachal Pradesh Forest Act, 2014.

The Draft Final Report consists of seven chapters and an Executive Summary. The Chapter 1 is an introduction to the study and describes the study area with background information. Current observed climatology of Arunachal Pradesh and the predicted climate change analysis is covered in Chapter 2.

The Industrial Policy, 2008 of Arunachal Pradesh is formulated to achieve the objectives: To create an investment-friendly environment in the State for industrial growth in the private/ joint venture / cooperative sectors for sustainable economic development of Arunachal Pradesh; To generate employment opportunities in the State; To make Arunachal Pradesh a preferred destination for outside invest

This document details the Arunachal Pradesh state mega hydro electric power policy 2008. It is aimed at developing hydropower projects in an eco-friendly manner and ensuring proper rehabilitation and resettlement of project affected people.