Details of proposals received as on 27.02.2013 for eco-sensitive zones around National Parks and Sanctuaries, Lok Sabha Starred Question No 88, dated 04.03.2013.

Year-wise and State Wise Details of Approvals Granted for Diversion of Forest Land under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No 1124, dated 04.03.2013.

State-wise details of project proposals pending for Environmental Clearance (EC), Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No 1124, dated 04.03.2013.

State-wise details of project proposals given environment clearance during the last three years and the current year (2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, & 2012-13), Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No 1124, dated 04.03.2013.

Details of Proposals Seeking Prior Approval of Central Government Under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 for Diversion of Forest Land Pending Before the Government of India, Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No 1124, dated 04.03.2013.

This data sheet has Year-wise and State Wise Details of Approvals Granted for Diversion of Forest Land under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. It covers all states and Union territories (UTs) - Andaman & Nicobar, Andhra Pradesh, Goa,, West Bengal, etc.

Illegal mining and theft/pilferage of coal are carried out stealthily and clandestinely. As such, it is not possible to specify the exact quantum of coal stolen and losses incurred on account of illegal mining and theft/pilferage of coal.

Out of 176 coal blocks which stand allocated, 77 blocks are allocated to power sector including for the Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs). 16 coal blocks have come into production. The remaining coal blocks are in different stages of obtaining clearances etc.

A Bill to prevent throwing or depositing non-biodegradable garbage in public drains, roads and places open to public view so as to protect the environment from being polluted by such garbage and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

A Bill to provide for proper handling and disposal of electronic waste being generated by discarded electronic devices by prescribing norms and fixing responsibilities and duties on manufacturers, recyclers and consumers with regard to disposal of electronic waste and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
