This bill introduced in Lok Sabha on 7 Dec 2012 focuses on reduction of targeted greenhouse gas emissions and is also to establish a National Committee on climate change and to provide for carbon budgeting and carbon trading schemes.

River pollution by thermal plants (Question raised in Lok Sabha and answered in 03/12/12.

At present, no hydro power project is being implemented with Indian assistance in Nepal. However, Projects on three major water resources in Nepal viz Pancheshwar (5600 MW), Sapta Koshi (3300 MW) and Naumure (225 MW), are under discussions between the two countries. The details are given in Annex.

Water ministry admits that there is poor maintenance of traditional water bodies resulting in reduced storage capacity and lower efficacy and is contemplating a new scheme on Repair, Renovation and Restoration of water bodies with more involvement of local panchayats, WUAs, RWAs, etc . Read this standing committee report presented to Lok Sabha recently

Discharge of untreated and partially treated industrial and municipal wastewater from towns constitute major source of pollution in rivers and lakes. CPCB is monitoring water quality of various river stretches in the country including, inter-alia, River Ganga and Yamuna.

The State-wise details of project proposals pending for environment and forest clearance in the Ministry are at Annexure-1 and 2 respectively. The reasons for pendency of environment clearances include non submission of requisite information by the project proponents, forestry and wildlife issues, etc.

As reported by the Central Pollution Control Board, two of the twelve major integrated Iron and Steel Plants were found to be non-compliant.

Power Utilities have reported a generation loss of 11.63 Billion Unit during the year 2011-12 due to shortage of coal. The station-wise generation loss reported by the Power Utilities due to shortage of coal is given at Annex-I. A statement giving Plant and State-wise coal requirement and receipt position is given at Annex- II.

Construction of six Hydro Electric Power Projects (HEPs) is held up due to absence of Environment clearance by Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF). The State-wise details of such HEPs are given in Annex.

A Bill further to amend the Coal Mines (Conservation and Development) Act, 1974. This Act may be called the Coal Mines (Conservation and Development) Amendment Act, 2012.
