At USD 144 billion, the insured losses from natural and man-made disasters worldwide in 2017 were the highest ever recorded in a single year. The main driver of the high insured losses was an active hurricane season in the North Atlantic.

Natural disasters pose grave threats to electric grids and their ability to deliver reliable electricity to communities. Climate change, expanding populations, and insufficiently diversified sources make our energy future more unpredictable. This report explores how extreme weather and other natural catastrophes are evolving in the U.S.

This edition of Swiss Re's flagship sigma series presents the annual review of natural catastrophes and man-made disasters in the last year. The publication includes two feature chapters, one on the Tianjin explosions and another on the use of technology in disaster management.

17.9 million Kolkatans face serious risk from natural disasters and the city emerges as the world’s seventh riskiest city reveals this new analysis of natural disasters confronting 616 of the world’s largest urban areas.