The consensus on allowing restricted trade in ivory was confirmed by a secret ballot, and angeredjhe protectionist groups, which had been trying to 4m- twist nations which were in favour of

Regulating multilateral trade in flora and fauna

THE GREENIES... CITES has been criticised for being influenced by Westeg.q NGOs such as the Humane Society of the US and International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), and ignoring the demands

International trade in ivory and poaching

Almost 80 per cent of the elephant range in Africa lies outside protected areas. Human-elephant conflicts are high, particularly in southern and central Africa where both the populations are high

Almost the same controversies surrounded the proposal from South Africa to lift the ban in exports of the Southern White Rhinoceros, which was also rejected by the cop-10. South Africa, home to the

SCIENTISTS have successfully tested a biological pesticide for the first time on grasshoppers and locusts which ravage crops across Africa. They have developed sprays containing fungal spores

ends up in Africa? A suspect consignment reaches the shores of Kenya riling the natives

Droughts in west Africa over the past 20 years may have been caused by the destruction of rainforests in countries such as Nigeria, Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire, and further defore

All African countries through which the water of the river Nile flows, can hope to coordinate sharing of one of Africa's greatest resources. The 10 nations - Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Zaire,
