A new bio-pesticide, Tai Virdi, to control fungal diseases has been launched by the Tamil Nadu Agro Industries, a Government of Tamil Nadu undertaking. Technically named Trichoderma Virdi, the

A US-based foundation announced on Tuesday it had awarded the 1998 World Food Prize to an Indian entrepreneur for helping develop the role of private enterprise in Indian agriculture. The prestigious

The American bollworm (sundi) has once again played havoc with the cotton crop in Punjab and brought the growers on the brink of economic disaster. As per the estimates of Northern Indian Cotton

In a major boost for India in its fight to protect basmati, the rice industry of Europe has protested against US comapany RiceTec Inc being allowed to use its trademark 'Texmati' in Europe as its

A seed bank of flowering plants, the first of its kind in India, has been set up at the Regional Plant Resource Centre (RPRC) at Bhubaneswar. The bank would operate under the National Institute for

Hurricane Georges, which hit the northern Caribbean three weeks ago, has devastated the agricultural sector of the Dominican Republic. The government's preiliminary assessement of the damage is

Wildlife activists in Sri Lanka are up in arms against agriculture minister D M Jayaratne's proposal to set up a gun factory that would supply arms to farmers to protect their crop from wild animals.

AP model to be adopted in UP :Following the apparent success of its "Ramakuppam model" in Andhra Pradesh, the Israel Govenment is planning to replicate the same in the barren wastelands of central

Grape aficionados can add a sweet, firm variety to their list within the next few years: black seedless grapes. Plant breeders at the US Agriculture Department's Research Service expect the grapes to

Food supplies in Latin America could fall short in future because funding needed for crucial agricultural research has been cut by donors in the industrialised countries, according to a new report.
