Scientists are blaming the arid climate and overuse of nitrogenous fertilizer and agriculture chemicals for an outbreak of bollworm in

By creating a separate directorate of sericulture in the textiles ministry, the Maharashtra government has given a boost to the silk industry in the state. Officials here believed that with just one

India's leading rice breeder, Dr. E.A. Siddiq, has said that the use of 'basmati' name by the US Rice Tec Inc to its variety was "unacceptable." Dr. Siddiq and co-researchrs developed the world's

China is starting to feel the heat of Asia's financial crisis - and the chilli farmers in the north-west of the country have been among the first to get burned. The province of Shaanxi, one of the

These should be good times for Kenya's tea farmers. World prices for their product are impressively high, the E1 Nino weather phenomenon has brought plenty of rain, and as long as there is no drought

The Technology Information and Forecasting and Assessment Council, while functions under the Department of Science and Technology for promotion and commercialisation of indigenous technologies, has

Today's meeting of farm ministers in Brussels, which continues tomorrow, will discuss reform of the tobacco regime. The Commission has put forward a proposal intended to persuade growers to shift

With a view to making dryland farming more meaningful and practical and fecilitate transfer of technology onto the field, dryland farmers will be involved in the research activity of agricultural

Honey apart, bees are being used by many countries to enhance crop yield, but India is yet to tap this potential. Had India paid enough attention to utilise the services provided by bees, it would

Major Plantation Companies are planning to fight against the finance ministry's crackdown on such firms. Irked by the intense official scrutiny, plantation firms are banding together to ask for a
