The agriculture ministry and the Indian Meteorological Department have given contradictory statements on how crops have failed in the past year

Malaysia, the country that hopes to be the home of latest multimedia technology, is currently advising its people to "return to the soil'. Threatened by a looming economic crisis, Malaysia plans to

Poultry diseases broke out in an epidemic form in the district. At least 20,000 poultry birds have caught diseases in the district during the last two months. The people of the remote villages could

Militant farmers yesterday blocked Greece's main north-south highway with tractors in protest against the Socialist government's refusal to make concessions in a long-running dispute over

India has a strong case against the patent on basmati rice, granted recently to an American company Rice Tec by the US Patant Office, said some top officials and agriculture

The All India Rice Exporters Association (AIREA) has decided to approach the Government to lobby with the United States authorities for cancelling the patent on

The government today expressed its concern over the possible implications of a recent U.S. decision to grant a patent to an American company for basmati rice. It may soon approach the U.S. Patent

Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler is to Tell EU vets to stop stalling and vote on proposals to ease the ban on British beef exports. Fischler wants the Standing Veterinary Committee (SVC), made

Indonesia's indefinite ban on crude palm oil exports and an anticipated drop in Indian oilseeds output will drive up Indian edible oils prices, industry officials

Sakthi Sugars has adopted a novel practice in cane cultivation based on Australian and Brazilian technology. The technology was initially experimented on demonstration plots in over 200 acres near
