ETOSHO, the place of dry water: the film is intended to be educative, in the National Geographic genre, featuring gobs of painstaking wildlife photography and a relatively simple message
A JAPANESE company has developed a device to discourage pigeons from perching on statues, temples and other buildings and control the menace of pigeon droppings. Called a "bird stopper", the
THOUGHT the dodo was a lumbering, fat bird? You might be mistaken, says Andrew Kitchner, curator at the Royal Museum of Scotland, who has discovered that early illustrations of the dodo, which became
THE PACIFIC island-state of Nauru, once abundant in phosphates deposited by birds, now lies devastated and desolate. Most of the phosphate was mined by Australia and royalties made the Nauruans one
An American ornithologist says he has found fresh evidence that the world's oldest bird like creature, the Archaeopteryx, was undoubtedly a bird. But not all scientists are convinced.
The European blackcap has dramatically changed its migration pattern, flying to a new site, more than 1,000 km north of the region where it traditionally spent the winter.
IT WAS a strange case of politicians taking out their venom on snakes. Angry CPM workers in Kerala vandalised and set fire to the Parassinikkadavu Snake Park in Kannur. The reason for the wanton
KAREN Perremans and her colleagues at the Zoological Institute at Leuven in Belgium have discovered that birds have unique "featherprints," which may make it possible to identify bird species by