IT MAY not be possible to eradicate poliomyelitis from the world by the year 2000 unless adequate resources are mobilised in time, warn World Health Organisation (WHO) officials. Bruce Aylward,

Australia apologises to aborigines for the mistakes of the past

Children of Delhi rediscover Yamuna.

How s India doing in providing basic social services?

an eight - year - old British boy spoke his first words after swimming with dolphins, reported British newspapers. Nikki Brice, starved of oxygen at birth, had been left unable to

Troubled children don t need counselling. They need parental love and support. A myth? Not at all, say behavioural scientists

the number of hiv positive cases in India is currently estimated at three million, says a study. The risk of vertical transmission of aids to new born children has also greatly

South Asia fares pathetically when it comes to basic education. The latest UNDP report has some solutions

Vaccines are causing autism in UK, say some doctors

UK's child haemophiliacs are to
