According to the latest report by the Centre of Science and Environment, bread based food products in India contain cancer causing elements banned by several countries. Amit Khurana, programme manager of CSE's food safety team explains how the centre identified these compounds and whether any action has been taken against the manufacturers adding potassium bromate or potassium iodate in their food products.

In a shocking revelation, Delhi-based research group Centre for Science and Environment has found in its study that most the bread brands and food items sold by popular fast-food brands contains cancer causing chemicals.The reports said about 84% of 38 popular brands of breads, buns and burgers and pizzas were found to contain Potassium Bromate and Iodate that are known as cancer causing agents and are banned in most of the countries but not in India.“Use of chemical food additives is a common practice in packaged and processed foods. Not all of them are safe.

Air pollution is rising at an "alarming rate" across the World says the World Health Organisation. Gwalior, Allahabad, Patna and Raipur are in the top 10 most polluted cities. Delhi is at number 11. Raghav Chadha, the Spokesperson of AAP and Sunita Narain

DNA: Analysis of most polluted cities in India

After the Delhi government, the Centre has now approached the Supreme Court seeking relief from the crackdown it ordered on diesels cabs in Delhi and neighbouring areas. The ban will impact the BPO industry which uses diesel-run taxis to ferry employees and earns the country billions of dollars every year, the government said.

The ban on diesel taxi's has nothing but made people of Delhi miserable.

Delhi "on hault" after diesel taxi ban - II

सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने दिल्ली एनसीआर में डीजल टैक्सियों पर रोक लगा दी है। लेकिन क्या इतना भर ही काफी है, या फिर राज्य सरकार को प्रदूषण कम करने की अपनी नीती में बड़े बदलाव करने की तुरंत ज़रूरत है? बड़ी खबर में इसी सवाल पर खास चर्चा...



In this episode of To The Point with Karan Thapar, it discuss on the Supreme Court decision on banning diesel cars in Delhi. The protest and jams by angry diesel taxi drivers and operators witnessed on May 2 have raised the question, is the the Supreme Court's decision to ban diesel tax's in Delhi not just controversial and not popular but perhaps also unfair and wrong. The Supreme Court had clamp down on the diesel cabs in the national capital regions citing the high air pollution levels.

Candid Conversation with Sunita Narain, DG centre for Science and Environment (01-05-2016)

SC has imposed ban on Diesel Taxi cars in Delhi.
