New Delhi: All of India’s nuclear installations have passed structural tests aimed at assessing their capacity to withstand massive seismic shocks, the department of atomic energy said.
Private mobile phone operator Grameenphone (GP) and the state-owned mobile phone company Teletalk will jointly provide early warning messages during cyclones and floods to all 14 coastal districts
In a unique workshop, a Delhi-based NGO, SEEDS, today trained schoolchildren with disaster management skills in a mock earthquake drill on the eve of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reducti
A first of its kind mock drill to test India’s new tsunami warning system, that will henceforth serve as the regional tsunami advisory service provider to the countries in the Indian Ocean region,
A mock-drill of the tsunami that struck on December 26, 2004, triggered by a 9.2 magnitude earthquake off the Sumatra coast of Indonesia, will be re-enacted tomorrow.
Researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar (IIT-GN) have undertaken a project to develop a ‘slight early’ earthquake warning system.
This standard operating procedure will include all functions pertaining to disaster prevention, institutional mechanism, preparedness, early warning, relief, recovery and rehabilitation.
Climate Change is taking a heavy toll on Pakistan, said Mister for Science and Technology (S&T) Mir Changez Khan Jamali while addressing a technical session of the 5th International Conference
New Delhi: Two quakes within a span of a week has rattled the city and brought to the fore its vulnerability due to its location in the seismic zone IV.