Carbon Diem' inventors claim that, by using GPS to measure the speed and pattern of movement, their algorithm can identify the mode of transport being used. It can therefore calculate the amount of carbon dioxide that a journey has emitted into the atmosphere

DH News Service, Bangalore:

The need to bring about a legislation to manage e-waste was emphasised by speakers at a national workshop on environmentally sound management of e-waste, organised in the City, on Thursday.

London: Scientists at the Oxford University are working on a 1930 invention by Albert Einstein to develop an environmentally friendly refrigerator which they claim will run without electricity.

Leslie D`monte / Mumbai September 20, 2008, 0:32 IST

DH News Service, Bangalore:

In the latest Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics, Nokia bounced back to the first position in the ninth international edition as well as topped the fourth Indian edition amongst the MNCs here.

Which are the brands close to going green? Do they have in place a take back practice? Do they support the legislation on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment or RoHS? Do they manufacture clean or toxic free products?

CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts: The electronic newspaper, a large portable screen that is constantly updated with the latest news, has been a prop in science fiction for ages. It also figures in the dreams of newspaper publishers struggling with rising production and delivery costs, lower circulation and decreased ad revenue from their printed product.

The information and communication technology (ICT) sector in the last twenty years or so in India has revolutionized life of one and all, ratcheting a viral effect on electronic manufacturing industries leading to phenomenal growth in terms of both, volume and applications. Digital development has become the new mantra having its all engulfing footprints every where. The report focuses only on the policies and practices of electronic brands on the Indian market.


december 15. &nbsp 7.30-8.30 pm. Batti Bandh

Out of more than 1,000 products examined, only one met federal standards.
