Are policies designed to avert climate change (Climate Change Policies, or CCPs) politically costly? Using data on governmental popular support and the OECD’s Environmental Stringency Index, find that CCPs are not necessarily politically costly: policy design matters.

This paper assesses the design of the air pollution tax in conjunction with a stringency analysis of the emission concentration limits in the Czech Republic. The analysis draws upon a detailed database containing environmental reporting by industrial stationary sources.

CO2 emissions from transport are still rising. If immediate action is not taken, more radical measures will be unavoidable in the future. This is the top line conclusion from the newly released joint report by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), REN21 and the Berlin-based think-tank Agora Verkehrswende.

Charges on vehicles entering Delhi operative for four months on experimental basis, says Supreme Court.

NEW DELHI: Delhi government may have welcomed the Supreme Court's order to levy a pollution fee on non-destined commercial vehicles going through the state, but officials admit that implementation

Heavy Vehicles To Pay `Environment Compensation Charge' At Toll Booths

Beginning November 1, trucks, light goods vehicles and heavy containers passing through Delhi will have to pay `700 or `1,300 (depending on the category of vehicle) as the Supreme Court on Monday a

Big trucks entering Delhi will have to pay Rs 1,300 and smaller commercial vehicles Rs 700 with the Supreme Court today ordering an experimental pollution compensation charge from November 1.

Light duty vehicles would have to pay Rs 700 and three-axle vehicles Rs 1,300 for entering Delhi in addition to the toll tax from November 1, with the Supreme Court today imposing the ‘Environment

Charges will be Rs 700 for light duty vehicles and two-axle vehicles and Rs 1,300 for three-axle and above.
