MUMBAI: Buying new cars is set to become even more expensive, with the Maharashtra Motor Vehicle Tax or road tax being raised for both petrol and diesel vehicles from May 1.

Intensifying the protest against European Union’s imposition of carbon tax on airlines flying into their airspace, India, China and Russia may soon respond together with a retaliatory fee on Europe

Following meetings with both minister for aviation Ajit Singh and environment minister Jayanti Natarajan on the controversial carbon emissions levy that EU has introduced, Connie Hedegaard, European Union climate action commissioner, claimed the tax is inevitable “as aviation is increasing and emissions from aviation are also increasing.”

India, along with the international community, led by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICOU), has fiercely opposed the tax introduced from January 1 with airlines accusing the EU of having taken an extra territorial decision.

The Centre for Science and Environment has sought additional tax on diesel cars, saying the fuel was causing losses to the exchequer besides affecting public health.

New Delhi: The clamour for making diesel cars dearer is getting louder just ahead of the Budget, with environment lobbyists and sections of the government advocating higher taxes to compensate for

New Delhi: They may be branded as villains by the environmental lobby, but personal cars consume a paltry 0.6% of the diesel consumed in the country, an internal Planning Commission note said.

MUMBAI: The Maharashtra

government on Wednesday decided to levy environment tax on commercial vehicles
which are over eight years old and private vehicles which are over 15 years.

Given that there are over 6 lakh commercial and 15 lakh
private vehicles in the specified age category, around 21 lakh vehicles are set
to pay the

Some of the world

Deterrent against manufacture of guzzlers.

Arun S
Anil Sasi

New Delhi, Nov. 20 It could soon be a tough road ahead for vehicles with low fuel efficiency.

The Government is considering a proposal to introduce a new tax on such vehicles to ensure that they are phased out. This tax could be a deterrent against manufacture of fuel-guzzling vehicles.
