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The EEA report ‘Waste prevention in Europe – policies, status and trends of reuse in 2017’ reviews measures to promote the reuse of products in European countries and regions.

After plastic, the state government will crack down on electronic waste.

Monrovia – A Turkish mining company operating in Bong County has been found liable for environmental degradation after “a catastrophic failure” of its tailing storage facility (TSF) on September 27

Pune: A study has found that the state generates the most e-waste in the country, but ranks very low on recycling it.

Dr Alice A Kaudia, the Environment Secretary in Kenya’s Ministry of Environment and Forestry, says a structure should be set up to enable e-Waste data collection and that regional countries should

AHMEDABAD: The city's gargantuan smouldering garbage mountain at Pirana is turning into a favourite spot for the illegal dumping of toxic chemicals, which could even be life-threatening if they bur

SHILLONG: An e-waste Producer Responsibility Organization (PRO), KaroSambhav launched an e-waste collection drive in Meghalaya along with awareness initiative among schools, bulk consumers, repair

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Central Zonal Bench, Bhopal) in the matter of M/s E Tech Projects Pvt. Ltd. vs. C.G.E.C.B. & Others dated 08/05/2018 regarding closure of the Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facility at Bhilai, State of Chhattisgarh. The Appelant (M/s E Tech Projects Pvt. Ltd.) contends before the Court that they were not provided the opportunity to present their case.

PUNE: The Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) and the Federation of Chakan Industries (FCI) have will set up a waste treatment plant for disposal of non-hazardous industrial waste

Environmental deterioration and health risk due to improper e-waste management has become a serious issue in India. The major portion of e-waste reaches an unorganized e-waste recycling sector and is then treated by using crude methods. This review article presents a brief highlight on e-waste management status, legislation, and technology uses in India. The present e-waste management needs to be more focused on environmentally sound management, by more active support from all the participants involved in the e-waste flow chain in India.
