The Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur exhorted the members of the state Assembly to come forward to spread awareness on HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis, so as to eradicate these diseases from the society.

KOLKATA: World Tuberculosis Day, observed on 24 March each year, is designed to build public awareness about the global epidemic of tuberculosis and efforts to eliminate the disease.

Ajoynagar: The mosquito that causes dengue is so undemanding when it comes to a breeding environment that a teaspoon of fresh water is enough for it to lay eggs, residents of a housing complex off

Chakulia blocks participated in a stakeholders’ consultation in Baharagora on Tuesday to understand the roles and responsibilities they need to shoulder to render the constituency tuberculosis(TB)-

India became the first country in the world to run a national tobacco control campaign with the launch of 'Cough' on World No Tobacco Day in 2017.

The Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare,present this One Hundred Ninth Report of the Committee on the National Medical Commission Bill, 2017.

MUMBAI: In the past, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has often been criticised for not associating itself with social causes.

A walk through the corridors of Tata Memorial Hospital in Parel would help understand India's diversity.

Health advocates have long argued that prominently displayed pictures of what consumption of tobacco can do to humans — including some grotesque depictions of tumours — help drive home the message

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court said on Monday that cigarette and other tobacco product manufacturers must continue to display pictorial and statutory health warnings on 85% of the product pack area,
