The government will formulate a new transport policy to effectively regulate the functioning of private operators and the state road transport corporation will make efforts to secure agency of the Tata Motors for supply of chassis and spare parts.

Shimla: Himachal Pradesh has been praised by the World Bank for running "effective and focused" programmes to check HIV/AIDS in the state, which has witnessed a surge in the number of positive cases in the last three years.

Forest ponds will be constructed to check the depleting groundwater and to harvest rainwater in Himachal Pradesh, state Forest Minister J.P. Nadda said Sunday.

With a view to increase the green cover and make Himachal

Green Award winners cast light on the renewable energy sector

Roma, 44, lobbied in favour of the Forest Rights Act against a State impervious to the possibility of a civil war

The Himachal Government would make serious efforts to get some more towns declared as

The government has posed the Rs 1197.60 crore Pabbar gravity drinking water scheme to the World Bank for funding to cater to the water requirement of the state capital for the next 35 years.

This was stated by Irrigation and Public Health (IPH) Minister Ravinder Ravi in reply to a question by Roop Singh (BJP) during the Question Hour in the Assembly, today.

Eighty five per cent of the nation

The government will soon appoint a Commissioner of Food Safety and a Food Safety Appellate Tribunal to check adulteration of food items and medicines. This was stated by Health Minister Rajiv Bindal while replying to the issue of adulteration in food items and medicines, raised by Kuldeep Pathania of the Congress under Rule 63 in the Assembly today.
