SHISHIR PRASHANT The Uttarakhand government today decided not to go ahead with construction of two major hydel projects on the Bhagirathi river in the wake of the fast-unto-death by GD Agrawal, an environmentalist spearheading the "save Bhagirathi" campaign. The decision to put off construction of the 480-Mw Pala Maneri project and the 400-Mw Bhairon Ghati project was taken at a cabinet meeting presided over by Chief Minister BC Khanduri, a state government official said.

Students and young people are at the forefront of a protest against hydel projects that are being planned in Sikkim. AT THE VENUE of the relay fast that has continued in Gangtok since June 2007. The Affected Citizens of Teesta comprises students, professionals and former politicians. DAWA LEPCHA has a tube stuck up his nose. It goes right down to his stomach. Sometimes, while he is asleep, it moves and chokes him. But the tube is his only sustenance. The juices poured through it are the only nourishment that keeps him alive.

Power generation resumed after eight days at the 1,500-MW Nathpa-Jhakri project this afternoon. Engineers of the Sutlej Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) decided to start the project after the discharge in the Sutlej started declining after attaining the peak of 1,550 cumecs last evening. The first unit of 250 MW started functioning at noon and four units out of total six had been made operational by the evening.

Efforts to save the Ganga got another fillip on Wednesday, with sadhus from Rishikesh and Haridwar, including yoga guru Baba Ramdev, joining the fight and declaring the formation of the Ganga Raksha Manch. Ramdev, while launching his nationwide movement to save the Ganga, warned:

Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on Wednesday blamed the public-sector North Eastern Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO) for the flash floods in Lakhimpur district of eastern Assam on Saturday. NEEPCO had released water from its Ranganadi hydel project dam in Arunachal Pradesh without any warning.

The Save Ganga Movement, which began with a fast unto death by a former IIT professor, may turn into a major political issue ahead of the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. After more than 30 Hindutva outfits supported the movement, Baba Ramdev announced the formation of the Ganga Raksha Manch at Haridwar on Tuesday. Although it was said that the manch would not be affiliated to any political party, the presence of senior VHP leaders Ashok Singhal and Pravin Togadia raises many questions.

special article Not At The Cost Of Land Erosion Bharat Jhunjhunwala


Shimla: The 1,500 MW Nathpa-Jhakri Hydro-Electric power project remained shut for the fifth consecutive day on account of high silt level, hampering power supply to seven northern States. The silt level was recorded 5,500-6,000 particles per million (ppm) on Sunday, which is higher than the permissible 4,000 ppm, forcing closure of the project for fifth day, Deputy General Manager of public sector Satluj Jal Vidyut Nigam (SJVN) told PTI.

The power generation capacity in the state has risen by 2937 megawatts during the last four years. With an extension unit of Amarkantak thermal power plant becoming critical soon, 210 MW more is going to be added to this capacity. Giving utmost importance to power, the state government has provided MP State Electricity Board and its companies Rs 939 crore as capital investment.
