India is the fifth largest bilateral donor in Afghanistan after the US, UK, Japan and Germany. Present assistance: $750 million. Projects involve hydro-electricity, power transmission lines, road construction, agriculture and industry, telecommunications, information and broadcasting, education and health. Major works include:

West Africa is one of the least green regions in the world, but the nation of Ghana has distinguished itself among its neighbors, achieving a rank of 86 on Yale and Columbia's Environmental Performance Index. In sub-Saharan Africa, only Gabon and the island nation of Mauritius rank higher, and Ghana is bigger and poorer than each of them.

Assam Governor Shiv Charan Mathur who assumed charge today expressed reservations over the proposed mega hydro-power projects in Arunachal Pradesh, saying that dam-induced damages like flood and adverse environmental impacts needed to be assessed properly. "I am aware of Assam's concerns over the dams and I feel there is no need to construct mega dams. Small hydel projects on the tributaries of the Brahmaputra and Barak should serve our purpose,' he said while addressing his first press conference.

Press Trust Of India / Gangtok July 04, 2008, 0:39 IST After discarding four hydel projects in March, the Sikkim government has scrapped three more such projects in the state accusing private developers of delaying execution of their contracts, a top government official said today.

Whereas for the construction of Sawra Kuddu Hydro Electric Project besides the Government land, some private land is also to be acquired by the H.P. Power Corporation Limited. Due to acquisition of private land for the project, some families will be affected but only one family shall become land less.

The need for the integrated Kashang HEP, located in the Sutluj basin which stores 9412 MW power potential being 46% of the total hydro power potential of the state, has therefore been considered in context of power shortage in Northern Region. The discharge characteristics of Kashang and Kerang khads is also favourable with unique parameter i.e.

Sainj Hydro Electric project would require land some of which is being acquired form private persons. The construction of the project will also involve under ground works, transportation of large quantities of material, more than usual activity in the area and therefore, all this is likely to have an impact on the lives of people living in the area. H.P.


Union Minister of State for Commerce and Power Jairam Ramesh DEHRA DUN: The Union Minister of State for Commerce and Power, Jairam Ramesh has urged the Tehri Hydro Development Corporation ( THDC) to double its operational portfolio in the next five years.
