Will the inclusion of Hepatitis B vaccination in the Universal Immunisation Programme help?

Hepatitis B is a communicable disease with a high strike rate the germ: "The Hepatitis B virus kills 20 out of every 100 infected people each day. This works out to 400 times the people who die

Effective immunisation campaigns help Europe purge its 51 member nations of polio

When the body is exposed to a

Cellular attack against the virus works

HIV evades vaccine by mutating

Vitamin A supplements claim the lives of 17 children in Assam

AIDS activists are suing the South African government for its failure to distribute an anti-HIV drugs that could save the lives of about 35,000 newborn babies each year. The lawsuit will be filed by

Solar refrigerator to help immunisation programmes

A newly-formed organisation in Bangladesh, Forum for Arsenic Patients (fap), has threatened to sue the United Nations Children's Fund (unicef) for compensation on behalf of millions of
