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The post GATT liberalisation era has come to India not only with its enchanting platter of economic efficiency, technological treasure trough and fairy tale promises of 'globalisation' but it has also raised some significant questions regarding its viab

With the latest launch of another remote sensing satellite, Indian space scientists aim to carve out a niche in the world market for satellite data... and beat Uncle Sam to it

The search for easily applicable environment-friendly plant protection technologies could very well find its answer in the pages of history

Ayurveda gets a shot in the arm in this unique NGO experiment

Waves of criticism against the newly proposed Kalpsar project wash away the Gujarat government's ambitious claims

Quarry quarrel In response to the Amey Roadstone Corporation's (ARC) appeal to the Somerset County Council for doubling the size of its Whatley quarry in Mendip Hills, Somerset, British

Immunologists in Delhi adjuvanate proteins for heightening their immune response

For the 15th time since 1981, Indian scientists sailed from Goa for Antarctica in early December, 1995. "Our purpose of this expedition is not that scientists should repeat themselves year after

Even if you have a good sense of smell and taste, your sense of perception could still let you down, according to neuroscientists at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel (New
