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Scientists claim to have identified the constituent of human blood that destroys a parasite which plays havoc with livestock

The emergence of AIDS, Ebola, and any number of other rainforest agents appears to be a natural consequence of the ruin of the tropical biosphere. The emerging viruses are surfacing from ecologically

Is there physics beyond the Standard Model?

For the Dutch, one more runway at Schiphol may mean more business and jobs, but pollution could go over the top

Is there a worldwide trend of sustained growth towards sustainable development?

The saga of Indonesia's dam of misery continues

Can culture be ignored by those who are involved in the process of development. "No," says Ismail Serageldin, vice-president for Environmentally Sustainable Development in the World Bank. According

What powers an insect's flight?

A law that proposes to halt nuclear waste imports into Russia is being squinted at

Geologists have found in Mexico the filssil remains of a multicellular organism which is believed to have lived about 15 million years before the oldest known. The organism, resembling
