NEW DELHI: The Central government on Thursday approved a grant-in-aid assistance of 50 per cent of the project cost in general areas and 75 per cent in the north-eastern region and

Jalandhar, Septemnber 05 First case of dengue was reported in Jalandhar on Thursday. Kulwinder Singh of Bhargo Camp was admitted to Civil Hospital after his tests reported positive for dengue. However, he was kept under observation in isolation. Civil Surgeon Dr SS Walia, confirming it to be a case of dengue, appealed to the residents to wear full-sleeve clothes and avoid accumulation of water in and around their houses.

The Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 1992 attempted to curb the efforts of baby food manufacturers to undermine breastfeeding and was further amended in 2003 to plug loopholes. However, public-private health partnerships are now found to be advocating nutrition policies aimed at helping food multinationals increase their markets. A stronger legislation is thus needed to fight this practice.

Certain cross bundhs in Sutlej caused breaches in it near Gidderpindi village. Sources said a group of engineers sent by Punjab government to probe the breaches, had concluded cross bundhs impeded free flow of Sutlej at some places near Gidderpindi, leading to breaches in embankments of defence bundhs of Sutlej.

Several villages were flooded three weeks ago due to the breaches. In 1988, Sutlej had small breach upstream, at a short distance from Gidderpindi village. This time, it breached near Pritam Singh

Jalandhar: The actual damage of crop and property may run into hundreds of crores, but the government has estimated that a tentative Rs 70 crore relief fund is required for the flood-affected families in Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur districts.
Meanwhile, a girdawari is still on in both the districts. Kapurthala district also reported heavy losses in the damage assessment report prepared by the district administration.

Giddarpindi (Jalandhar): Thier fight is not yet over. After surviving flood, the residents of the district are battling skin diseases, nausea, chest congestion and diarrhoea due to stagnant water.

With nearly 64 villages completely marooned even today, the state government has estimated the damage due to floods at over Rs 530 crore. This includes damage to crops, roads and houses.

Despite the assurance of the deputy commissioner to develop a separate line to prevent the swelling of water bodies during rainy season in Basti Guzan area in Jalandhar district, no action has been taken by the concerned authorities. The deputy commissioner had given the assurance after a complaint was filed by Rajesh Kumar of Basti Guzan in the Punjab State Human Rights Commission (PSHRC). Thereafter, the deputy commissioner assured that a separate line would be laid to check stagnation of water during monsoons and the complaint was disposed of in 2003.

No one cares as rivers turn toxic

The Emaar MGF company will set up a Knowledge Park in Mohali, said CEO William R Rattazi on Monday. The park would be an integrated township involving an investment of Rs 3,000 crore and similar ventures have also been planned for Jalandhar and Ludhiana. The joint cost of these ventures would be Rs 5,000 crore. While the township will keep space for offices, emphasis will also be given to education, healthcare, hospitality as well as retail.
