Bengaluru as Sun City.

The though appears distant, somewhat baffling, but is actually do-able: if various discussions and suggestions materialise, Bengaluru could well be a showcase to the rest of the country as its solar city.

State to receive 100 megawatts of power from Gujarat beginning today
Bangalore, DH News Service:

The government appears to be in no mood to receive shocks from the electorate due to paucity of electricity. It has made plans for round-the-clock power supply to every household till the Lok Sabha elections are over...

The High Court, which came down heavily against the uncleared mini power projects since several years has directed the State Government to clear them through single window or green channel.

The High Court on Wednesday refused to meddle with the Government fixed rate of Rs 5.50 per unit to purchase power from GMR Energy Limited (GMREL), and ruled that the rate fixed by the Government will continue during the pendency of the proceedings.

The Rs. 465.59-crore programme aims at reducing losses in Escoms

Staff Reporter

The State Planning Board, Karnataka, and the Institute of Social and Economic Change, Bangalore had arranged a two day seminar on 11th Five Year Plan of Karnataka: Perspectives, in Bangalore on 4-5 May 2007. The author was invited to make a presentation on Power Sector Reforms in Karnataka to take into account the possible steps during the 11th Plan period.

Integrated Energy Policy draft of the Planning Commission has propounded coal based power policy for the country. There are also few influential persons/ organizations advocating for such a policy. There has been a great rush to set up a large number of coal based power stations both in public and private sectors.

In many of the contemporary CDM projects see that community development is simply an afterthought, if it is indeed considered at all. By contrast, the Bagepalli biogas CDM project is an example of a grassroots level project resulting in tangible benefits for the rural community. The project has benefited 5500 poor households in the Kolar district of Karnataka.

From B S Arun, DH News Service
The Centre has informally indicated its readiness to sanction a power project to be implemented by the National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), a first by the public sector company in Karnataka.
