Overemphasis on renewable energy would result in reducing viability of coal-fired thermal power plants in India, adding to the massive non-performing assets (NPAs) of state-run lenders, Chief Economic Adviser (CEA) Arvind Subramanian said.

The National Energy Policy has become critical for any country. The initiative by NITI Aayog to prepare a draft NEP (DNEP) is wholly welcome, as it comes at a critical juncture in India’s post-independence era. DNEP considers the energy scenario by 2040 whereas Integrated Energy Policy (IEP) of 2011 had done so for year 2031-32.

The decision by the govt.

CEA deserves congratulations for having taken a rational and bold stand that no coal-based power capacity addition is required until 2027. It is also a matter of solace that the govt.

India submitted its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) to UNFCCC in Oct. 2015 as a part of its obligation to the global community.

Two power blackouts in the North and Eastern parts of the country on 31st July and 1st August 2012 have thrown up many issues to our society.

Installed electricity generating capacity has grown phenomenally from about 1,400 MW in 1948 to about 157,000 MW in Feb 2010; an increase of 110 times. Annual electricity generation from all sources has increased from about 61,000 MU in 1970-71 to 724,000 MU in 2008-09 an increase of 12 times in 30 years.

The present study report aims at recommending a smooth transformational action plan for the TN electricity sector to meet the hugely onerous electricity requirements by 2050 after a due diligence process involving: the analysis of state’s geographic and climatic conditions, and the natural resource base from the climate change perspective; consi

The Indian power sector can be said to be at cross roads. The policies and practices in power sector since independence, which have not undergone major reviews, have led to many serious problems from economic, social, environmental, and inter-generational perspectives.

At a time when the true relevance of nuclear power is being questioned increasingly around the world due to the concerns on safety, security and economics, a news item from the Associated Press indicates that f our scientists who have played a key role in alerting the public to the dangers of climate change have asked environmentalists to suppor
