The ‘expert group on low carbon strategies for inclusive growth’ which was set up under the Planning Commission to develop a strategy for India’s 12th Five Year Plan has released its interim report recently. While this interim report echoes the earlier govt.

The recent devastation that has impacted the people of Japan has been described as of epic proportions of many kinds: loss of lives, loss of private properties and public assets; economic set back; and nuclear emergency.

Greenpeace released a report

In view of the growing acceptance of the human cause of Global Climatic Change, and severity of Global Warming the comity of Nations have realized the need for developing new and renewable energy sources (NRES).

H.N. Bahuguna Garhwal University, Srinagar, Uttarakhand had organized a symposium on 14-15 Feb. 2009 on

The proposal to set up a 400 MW capacity hydro electric project in evergreen forests of Western Ghats in Hassan district of Karnataka has met with a lot of opposition from the locals and environmentalists. The Detailed Project Report of the proposal poorly backs up the project with many contentious issues.

Letter on environmental clearance for a Nuclear power park to be set up in Jaitapur, in Maharashtra

Energy has become a crucial sector of the modern society, so much so that per capita availability of energy is considered as an indicator of economic prosperity.

Energy has become a crucial sector of the modern society, so much so that per capita availability of energy is considered as an indicator of economic prosperity.

The State Planning Board, Karnataka, and the Institute of Social and Economic Change, Bangalore had arranged a two day seminar on 11th Five Year Plan of Karnataka: Perspectives, in Bangalore on 4-5 May 2007. The author was invited to make a presentation on Power Sector Reforms in Karnataka to take into account the possible steps during the 11th Plan period.
