Justice prevails: The Supreme Court on March 15, 2005, ruled that states will have to allot alternative cultivable land to even those people who have been affected temporarily by the Sardar Sarovar

Idukki district in Kerala shows that small hydel power plants can be profitable

Government wants forest land for Sabarimala pilgrims

www.keralafishworkers.org The world is getting serious about its dwindling marine resources. There is a large amount of frightening data on it. But hardly do these touch the fisherfolk

Controversial Dubey committee report reviewed

Samanwaya Pavantaka Sanghorn

Kerala government stays sand mining permission

Relief to pour in Kerala

In Search Of Sustainable Livelihood Systems: Managing Resources and Change

unique protest: In a potent symbolic gesture equating a dangerous pesticide with the atom bomb, a Quit India Endosulfan march was organised in Kerala on August 6
