Order of the National Green Tribunal (Principal Bench, New Delhi) in the matter of Akash Vashishtha & Anr. Vs. Union of India & Ors. dated 09/07/2014 regarding flood plain areas/river front development areas particularly in NCR, Delhi.

Grantham Institute study says climate legislation has not harmed UK businesses, reports BusinessGreen.

A debate exists regarding the limits of international law to influence state behaviour. Some attribute these limits to the inability of law to compel states to incorporate norms into domestic legal frameworks. Others maintain that even if institutionalised, the incapacity of states to put those norms into action is where the problem lies.

A protest march of indigenous people from Ecuador's Amazon region and the Andean highlands reached the country's capital here Tuesday after an eleven-day walk from the Amazon.

Mongolia’s parliament yesterday approved changes to the nation’s 2006 Minerals Law, a development that may spur renewed investment in the flagging economy.

This report investigates to what extent different definitions of ‘Primary energy factors’ can have implications on EU energy policy. Primary energy factors (PEF) have been developed as a form of comparison and a number of EU directives refer to the implementation of primary energy factors in setting energy and climate targets.

In its resolution 68/167, the General Assembly requested the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to submit a report on the protection and promotion of the right to privacy in the context of domestic and extraterritorial surveillance and/or the interception of digital communications and the collection of personal data, including on

On  23rd  June  2014,  the  Right  to  Information  Act  (RTI  Act)  stepped  into  its  10th  year  of implementation. The text of this law was published in the Official Gazette on that day in 2005 and some provisions became operational. Other provisions detailing the procedures through which people can access information or file appeals and co

Order of the National Green Tribunal (Central Zonal Bench, Pune) in the matter of Sandeep Lahariya Vs. State of M.P. & Ors. dated 01/07/2014 regarding implementation of the Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011 in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan.

The cabinet has finalised the “Formalin Control Act, 2014” without ascertaining as to the existence of what level of formalin in food will be treated as an offence.
