Until recently, prehensile tails came in 2 basic designs: the elephant trunk - just muscles, no bones - and the monkey tail, in which muscles flex a series of bones. But now a us scientist,

Delving into the underworld of matter, scientists are coming up with miniaturised miracles

To understand the complexity of life, biologists are busy deciphering its language, encoded in structures called chromosomes. Two years ago, scientists announced the first-ever map of how the genetic

PLANTS exposed to music grow better, believes French physicist and musician Joel Sternheimer, who has recently applied for a patent covering his unique style of music, which he claims promotes growth

IN THESE interdisciplinary times, biologists are equally at home with political theory. Garrett Hardin's essays, Life Boat Ethics and The Tragedy of the Commons constitute 2 of the major political

THE world is a smaller place today; a Disneyland in France and Chinese heavy metal bands no longer raise eyebrows. Yet, vast differences also exist as industrialised countries continue to yoke poorer

Fresh evidence supports a long held belief that whales evolved from land mammals

GREEN pigments, scientists believed, were found only in plants. In most animals whose plumage or body parts appear green, the colour is seen not because of pigments but because of the refraction of

IN THE first occurrence of its kind in a wild species, scientists report that fruit bats males (Dyacopterus spadiceus) occasionally lactate. Till now, this oddity was seen only in humans and

Life on earth may have started after an asteroid banged into her. Scientists at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in California say that an asteroid collided with Earth between 3.6 and 4
