The tadpoles of the red-eyed tree frog can choose to hatch early to avoid being eaten by snakes, says Karen Warkentin from the University of Texas in Austin (New Scientist. Vol 146, No 1974).
The tabour of love for a courting male cricket often involves providing his mate with ample dinner - a large blob of a gelatinous substance known as spermatophylax. Besides its high nutritional
Natural musk from the musk deer is now being replaced by an artificial variety made by Chinese scientists working on this project since 1976. Musk is an ingredient in 295 Chinese
Ciba-Geigy is marketing a hormone sachet, for women, to cope with menopause, an indication of diminishing oestrogen and ovarian functions. The symptoms are hot flushes and perspiration to
There were no cures for degenerative disorders like Alzheimer's disease. A recent work in the UK offers a way out. A hormone, Interleukin-1 (IL-1), thought to benefit head injuries, is not
The 4.5 million year blind leap from "almost human" to Homo sapiens continues to baffle palaeontologists, but 2 new finds offer a new understanding of human evolution.
I AM not a botanist and being a Bengali with a particular inclination for non-vegetarian food, I almost shared the sentiment, "Grasses are meant for cows." But reading Grass Evolution and