The ascendency of humans has unleashed the sixth mass extinction. Every species lost will only hasten the processes of annihilation.

Global climate change is today a spectre which allows for no ostriches. Scientific data is piling up to indict human activity as the source of the current phase of warming. The debate is whether the affluent North or the developing South has been more responsible and who will be polluting more in the near future.

Global climate change is today a spectre which allows for no ostriches. Scientific data is piling up to indict human activity as the source of the current phase of warming. The debate is whether the affluent North or the developing South has been more r

The contagious TB bacillus, present in a state of dormancy in many of us, is raising its ugly head again, upsetting all the currently practised modes of stopping it

IF You think science is boring, forbidding, unpoetic, egoistic, unintellectual, anti- environment and chauvinistic, you are either too naive to confuse science with politics or a neo-Luddite

Darwinian sapience takes a beating as the notion of "punctuated equilibrium" - which postulates that evolution occurred in sudden fits and starts - gathers shape

Still a source of wonder for some, no great shakes for others, the recent total solar eclipse was a memorable spectacle

Peer review, the long standing custodian of good science, is now being seen by many as a cabalistic exercise that assures the self interests of the scientific community. With accountability being the new mantra, Indian scientists can no longer aff

Port Blair, port city of the Andamans, is in a developmental cul de sac

Once hailed as a boon to health, chlorine is now charged with being carcinogenic, maiming the immune and the reproductive systems.
