Despite the substantial body of work focused on women farmers in India, the generational aspects of women farmers are often under-researched. Young women farmers (YWF) often get lost in discussions of youth in agriculture or women farmers more generally.

A new report from WRI India found that the Sidhi district could economically and ecologically benefit from landscape restoration. When implemented at scale in Sidhi, restoring land could conserve biodiversity, improve water recharge, sequester carbon, enhance rural livelihoods and spur rural development.

Joint inspection report on behalf of Madhya Pradesh Pollution Control Board in Original Application No. 34/2020 in the matter of J R Narayan Vs State of Madhya Pradesh.

The matter related to illegal mining in the area of village Baijnath, Hinauti and Khamriya in tehsil Hujur.

Quarterly report by the state of Madhya Pradesh in Original Application No. 606/2018 in compliance to the National Green Tribunal order in the matter of Municipal Solid Waste Management Vs State of Madhya Pradesh & Others.

Report of Jaypee Nigrie Super Thermal Power Plant (JNSTPP), Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh. There is a 100% ash water recovery system (AWRS) in JNSTPP and electrostatic precipitators (ESP) are functional.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Abhishek Beniwal Vs State of Madhya Pradesh & Others dated 20/10/2020. The matter relates to illegal sand mining in district Harda, Madhya Pradesh.

The NGT directs constitution of a Joint Committee consisting of:

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Atul Agarwal Vs State of Madhya Pradesh & Others dated 19/10/2020.

The matter related to illegal mining in the area of Lidhorahat Ghat Badtua in district Sagar, Madhya Pradesh. The bench of Justice Sheo Kumar Singh and Expert Member Satyawan Singh Garbyal of the NGT directed that there must be an institutional framework and enforcement mechanism to prevent illegal and excess quarrying. Further, the state should ensure that mining takes place without any adverse impact on the environment.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Dheeraj Sharma Vs State of Madhya Pradesh & Others dated 09/10/2020 regarding illegal sand mining in Madhya Pradesh.

The applicant (Dheeraj Sharma) said that in spite of the notification issued by the Central Government and in spite of the fact that there is a regulatory authority to control illegal sand mining, it was taking place for government purposes.

Order of the National Green Tribunal in the matter of Hardesh Kirar Vs State of Madhya Pradesh dated 06/10/2020. The matter related to encroachment of government land and nalla and discharge of untreated sewage at village Kauluva, Bhopal.

The Madhya Pradesh government has proposed a steep hike in user charges for water supply, sewerage and solid waste management services in the urban areas to recover the cost incurred in providing these facilities as its revenue generation continues on the downward trend, according to a state government notification.
