The gym? Forget it. You can body build even without getting off that comfortable couch. Mental exercise can increase strength almost as much as regular and strenuous physical practice, British

Our brain possesses an in born ability to communicate, with or without a proper language . A recent study only confirms this theory

The male brain shrinks more rapidly with age than its female counterpart, particularly in the frontal and temporal lobe regions. This was repor

The first concrete evidence that repetitive strain injury (RSI) is caused by damage to sensory nerves by has been reported by researchers at the University of London, UK. This study shows a

Chandrakant Pandav , additional professor, Centre for Community Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, is a leading member of the International Council for Control for Iodine Defici

Troubled children don t need counselling. They need parental love and support. A myth? Not at all, say behavioural scientists

To clarify whether dyslexia, a fairly-common disorder characterised by an unexpected low reading ability, involves the brain's defective processing of visual information, US-based National Center for

Control those negative thoughts. You just might have a better life

Is suicide in your genes?

Experiments show that using magnetic fields can help rewire the brain after injuries
