Persistent organochlorines such as DDT and its metabolites (DDTs), hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), chlordane compounds (CHLs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were determined in whole-body homogenates of resident and migratory birds collected from South India. Organochlorine contamination pattern in birds varied depending on their migratory behaviour.

COME winter and the debate over saving the Siberian crane intensifies. Even as the Keoladeo National Park in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, is preparing to welcome these rare birds, international crane

Their unique biology and widespread use in ethnic medicine makes the conservation of seahorses difficult

Thousands of broad-winged species of hawk known as Swainson's hawk, which make their appearance on the dry

The new policy of the National Foot and Mouth Disease control programme in Bhutan lays down that migrating animals will now need to be compulsarily vaccinated and will be provided movement permits.

Scientists can now effectively trace the routes taken by peregrine falcons on their lengthy autumnal trips. Satellite transmitters are helping researchers follow them to their winter hide outs

BIRD-LOVERS will after all have a chance to gather more information about the highly, endangered wild Siberian cranes. After dragging its feet over the rnatter, the ministry of environment

MIGRATORY birds may not find their return journey to their homelands in Europe as hazardous as before. The European Parliament, after a heated debate, has finally agreed for the hunting

Once home to a rich variety of migratory birds from Russia, Siberia and Central Asia, Gamaghar Lake near Lahore, Pakistan, has been driven to the verge of extinction by an ill-planned irrigation

Even a simple avian head count could tell you about the health of India's wetlands
