IT IS time to take back the night for wildlife. That was the rallying call from a landmark session on light pollution at the Society for Conservation Biology on 4 July in Edmonton, Canada. The disruptive effects on animals of our penchant for bright lights has rarely impinged on public consciousness.
Rise in pollution levels, dying natural habitats and threat of poaching have led to a decrease in the number of migratory birds at the Harike wetland. Spread over 100 square kilometres, the wetland attracts lakhs of birds from Central Asia and trans-Russian region every year.
A $1 billion proposal to build the first big U.S. offshore wind-power farm passed a key hurdle on Thursday by winning permit requirements in Massachusetts, where it faces opposition from some influential residents.
Not very optimistic about return of Siberian cranes to Keoladeo park JAIPUR: Ornithologist Peter Kaestner has suggested reaching out to the "aam aadmi' (common man) through "charismatic mega fauna' such as the tiger and the elephant for long-term conservation goals in India. Conservation should be presented to the public in such a manner that they would understand it and relate it to their lives and ethos, he said.
In a bizarre mishap, about 10,000 wildebeest drowned at a bend in Kenya's Mara river in the last week of September. Conservationists say the deaths, which occurred over several days, have wiped out
The European blackcap has dramatically changed its migration pattern, flying to a new site, more than 1,000 km north of the region where it traditionally spent the winter.