The death toll in the coal dump crash at a Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) site in Odisha’s Sundargarh district reached 14 on Sunday night as four more bodies were recovered and the rescue operat

Consistently clocking negative growth for the past two years, the mining industry now has some good news: this has been the safest period with the number of fatal accidents hitting an all-time low

The death toll from a colliery accident in southwest China's Sichuan Province on Saturday has risen to 28 after an injured miner died after rescue efforts failed, local authorities said on Sunday.

The death toll from two separate colliery accidents in south-west China has risen to 40, even as the authorities blamed illegal mining for the tragedies.

Two brothers were killed on Monday when a part of a coal mine of Bharat Coking Coal in the Dugdha police station area collapsed.

The State government has asked mining companies to put in place safety measures as part of monsoon preparedness at their mines to ensure safety of lives and property of the people residing in the v

SHILLONG: Concerned over the frequent accidents in the coal mines of the State leading to death of coal labourers, the State Labour Department has decided to organise sensitization cum training programmes in East Jaintia Hills, where a large number of coal mines are located.

Coal labourers continue to perish in the coal mines of Meghalaya with many labourers having lost their lives in the ‘deadly’ coal mines across the State in the last one year.

Watchdog says blasts in Jilin killed 42 workers, 11 remain missing

BEIJING, 6 APRIL: Nine miners were today trapped underground after flooding occurred in a coal mine in southwest China's Guizhou Province.

Beijing: With rescuers finding 11 bodies more than two days after a goldmine subsided in Tibet, hopes of saving the remaining 72 miners receded with unnamed officials saying on Sunday they were feared dead. Hampering operations was the break down of the excavator and severe damage to the narrow roads leading to the mine following the landslide.

The workers are buried 30 metres deep into the mine. Many rescuers were found digging into the debris with bare hands, state media said, adding that two of the buried workers were Tibetans, and that two were women. The administration said all the workers in the gold mine in Maizhokunggar County, 68 km from the regional capital of Lhasa, had been identified. The landslide covers an area of three sq km at the Jiama Copper Gold Polymetallic Mine.
