Authorities are facing unusual criticism over mining projects

Chinese authorities are facing unusual criticism over mining projects in Tibet from both Tibetan writers and a number of prominent Chinese public figures, in the wake of landslips on Friday that left at least 83 people buried in a county near Lhasa. As of Sunday, 11 bodies had been recovered from the site near the mining centre of Maizhokunggar, Xinhua news agency reported, leaving at least 72 people missing under piles of debris and rocks.

Beijing: A massive landslide swept through a gold mining area in mountainous Tibet early on Friday, burying 83 workers believed to have been asleep at the time, Chinese state media said.

Carbon monoxide poisoning killed 11 people, after an air compressor caught fire in a coal mine in North China's Hebei province, local authorities said Friday.

Eight miners have been confirmed dead in a colliery blast on Friday in Southwest China's Yunnan province, local government said.

Seven men have been confirmed dead after being trapped underground for more than 40 hours in a coal mine flood in north China's Shanxi Province, the local government said on Thursday.

Lead exposure in waterfowl was studied using noninvasive fecal sampling in the Guadalquivir Marshes in Spain, an area affected by the 1998 Aznalcóllar mine disaster. Feces of greylag geese (Anser anser, n = 191) and purple gallinule (Porphyrio porphyrio, n = 91) were collected from three different impacted sites (Entremuros, Caracoles and Cerro de los Ánsares) during the winters of 2004 to 2008. Lead and aluminium (an indicator of sediment ingestion) and Pb isotope signatures (to discriminate between sources of Pb exposure) were analyzed in freeze-dried, acid digested samples.

China's safety watchdog said Wednesday it will suspend or shut down operations in over 5,000 non-coal mines that do not meet safety standards this year.

China reported fewer coal mine deaths last year but safety hazards still abound in the country's coal production, a work safety regulator has said.

An underground methane gas explosion killed up to 18 miners at a coal pit in northern Russia on Monday and President Vladimir Putin dispatched his disasters minister to the scene to oversee rescue

Seven workers died and six others were trapped in a coal mine accident in Northeast China's Heilongjiang province,the provincial coal mine safety administration said Wednesday.
