The weekly report released by the South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) on Monday claimed 290 fresh cases of dengue reported in this week, taking the total confirmed cases to 1,310.

PUNE: Politicians in the city are using the reduced water supply to attack opponents and score brownie points with the citizens ahead of the state elections.

After Swine Flu fear, it's the dengue fever that has kick-started with whopping numbers. There are 110 cases in just a week.

There is a sharp decline in cases of dengue and so far only 62 cases were found positive compared to 307 last year, Deputy director (headquarter), health services, Jammu, Chander Prakash said.

As many as 3,942 dengue cases were reported in the state from January 1 to October 10 this year. Of this around 159 dengue cases were reported in Phagwara.

JAIPUR: While conducting door-to-door survey on Sunday it is suspected that seven more pregnant women may be infected by Zika virus in Shastri Nagar area.

Vadodara: While concerns were being raised regarding dengue cases, more chikungunya cases have started surfacing since about a week now in the city.

BHUBANESWAR: The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) will form an enforcement squad to keep an eye on manufacturers and traders of plastic carry-bags from Tuesday - the day the state government

Over three years after ban on the use of polythene bags, its rampant use continues across the city.

The first ever reported case of Zika Virus in the state has made the health department to come into action.
