A recent monitoring of suspended particulate matter (SPM) in Kathmandu, Nepal, by a Japan-based agency has alarmed the government. According to N H Rajbhandari, a senior meteorologist, the annual

The nationwide livestock development project in Nepal which is in its third phase, is slated to receive a boost as the Asian Development Bank recently agreed to provide a loan assisstance from its

Electric vehicles for Kathmandu have completed a successful trial period, beckoning investors

Pollution tests are a joke in Nepal. While the government standards for carbon monoxide by volume emissions for three-wheelers is three, the company standard is four-and-a- half. Effectively,

The World Wide Fund for Nature-Nepal launched a new global conservation campaign on

Nepal will receive a US $18.28 million

Nepal will continue to benefit from Australia's assistance in the community forestry sector. A new project in the districts of Sindhupalchok and Kabrepalanchok will have the backing of Australian

Anti-pollution measures have been introduced by the government to control growing vehicular emissions in Nepal. Data from two months of emission tests has revealed that emission levels of

Farmers living in the upper reaches of Nepal have developed an ingenious way of maintaining soil fertility

Nepal has more than 5,200 AIDS patients and there may be between 5,000 to 10,000 HIV-positive cases. According to medical experts, by the end of the century, the country may have 22,000 to 50,000
